Know that although you are the captain, maneuvering the wheel to steer your course, the weather may be unpredictable. Graduate, you are now on the big ship of life. We're glad for you and wish you Every happiness. Your degree is just the ticket For a future of success. You took the time to study You're a graduate that's great! The work you did was worth it It's time to celebrate! It's poetry about graduation that tells of a bright future. This graduation poem underlines how important education is to success. Congratulations, graduate! May the world embrace you, excite you, and strengthen you in everything you do.

We wish for you a smooth path on your journey to your chosen destination, and as much delight in your off-road adventures as there is in reaching your goal. We wish for you new, stimulating friendships, while you cherish old friends, who provide continuity and comfort. Graduation Wish We wish for you a joy-filled transition from from the shelter of school to the wide world of your accomplishment and success. The Graduation Poems page is full of poetry about graduation in the form of rhyming poems, but here's an inspirational graduation poem in free verse. To view ALL our poem pages, see our SITE MAP Poetry About Graduation Spread your wings: You’re going to soar! By Joanna Fuchs The Prize You’re graduating You worked, you’ve done it! This important prize, It’s yours you’ve won it! Just keep on To capture more.

It's a widely applicable graduation congratulations poem. Here’s a rhyming graduation poem you can send to just about any graduate. If you'll always be a student, You'll find the secrets to success And travel on the golden road To peace and happiness. Your diploma is the first big step, For knowledge is the special key To winning what you want in life And being who you want to be. This poetry about graduation includes graduation songs and a graduation prayer.Īlways Be A Student Keep on learning, (graduate's name), Though your graduation's done Your whole life's an education That has only just begun. Give graduation congratulations and inspiration they'll always remember. You don’t have to feel limited in using the preschool graduation poems only in one way, either.Graduation poems for preschool to college. If you give out a graduation gift to the children, you could attach a poem to it.A poem could be read as a final good-bye at the end of the graduation program.The students can recite one as a group – perhaps each student can memorize one line of a poem.A teacher (or teachers) can recite or read one for an opening introduction.The following poems can be used in a variety of ways: